
Showing posts from September, 2010


420 - Number of minutes of moderate-intensity exercise needed per week to maintain a healthy body weight without making any changes to your diet. Source: The Journal of the American Medical Association

Building Wealth And Keeping It: 10 Step Formula Shows You How

Posted on September 22 2010. Do you know how to build wealth and keep it? In this newly published article titled Building Wealth And Keeping It: 10 Step Formula Shows You How, preeminent authority on Relationship Marketing, internationally sought after speaker, best-selling author, success coach, financial expert, Dani Johnson gives you fail proof spiritual keys to building and keeping wealth through a 10 step formula anyone can follow so that you can achieve your financial goals and discover how to build wealth with a game plan for today and for the long haul. Building Wealth And Keeping It: 10 Step Formula Shows You How by: Dani Johnson There is an actual formula for wealth and that I am going to share it with you. It all begins with the Word of the Living God… Deuteronomy 28:63, “It pleases the Lord to make you prosper.” Deuteronomy 29:9, “Follow my commandments so that you may pr...

No Negative Thoughts Allowed

A negative thought came to my mind He wore a charming smile And I was sorely tempted to invite him in a while. And as I hesitated, He tapped softly on the door And whispered through the keyhole As he'd often done before. He said, "I'll help you hold your grudge, I'll help you sing the blues, It seems like all your folks and friends have turned their backs on you." He said, "You've been misunderstood, Mistreated and maligned. I'll help you cry your heart out If you'll let me come inside" But, I kept my windows fastened And my doors securely closed, For I knew I'd be the loser If I let him take control For negative thoughts can multiply And crowd the positives out And make the mind a cesspool Of anxiety and doubt. And so I told the negative thought I could not let him in. He went his way, but I am sure That he'll return again. But no more will I greet him With a welcome or a smile And never will I ent...

Unemployment rate, United States

9.6% of the labor force - Not seasonally adjusted - Jun 2010 Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Disclaimer Isn't It Time You Started Your Own Business? Don't become one of the statistics above! I can help you get the Free details about a very legit home business! Don't want to sell anything? Awesome! Neither do I! Just ask for all the details!

Ignoring the Link Between Toxins and Cancer

by Vic Shayne, PhD Worldwide, more than 7 million people die from cancer every year , and the numbers increase annually. Generally, high-fat diets are blamed for increasing the risk, while plant-based diets, high in fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, and minimally processed starchy foods, are said to help prevent cancer. And, if we look a little closer, we discover that there are very specific foods and herbs that are powerful "detoxifiers" and thus play a major role in prevention of cancer and other diseases. But even as we attempt to control cancer risk by our food choices, we always have to realize that diet is just one of the lifestyle factors that influence the development of cancer. With all of the cancer information and disinformation broadcasted continually through the major news media, rarely do we hear a mention of the greatest threat to our health – and the most prevalent cause of cancer: toxins. Toxins (poisons) are ubiquitous i...


180 - Number of minutes of Exercise a week needed to protect women from bone-density loss! Source: Study presented at the American Physiological Society's Experimental Biology Conference

Birthday Party Games Lady

Birthday Party Games Lady Just purchased a great package for my son's birthday party coming up! Check this sight out and I'll give you feed back after the party on Oct. 2nd! :)

Power Hours

I have been thinking about the power of 1 hour.             60 minutes.      What can you get done in 1 hour? No interruptions, no distractions....   1 hour yesterday - 3 loads of laundry, made beds and vacuumed.   1 hour on Friday nights - I can "balance my checkbook" (via Internet banking & Quicken) and pay my bills for the next 2 weeks. 1 hour of walking ~ at a good pace can burn around 400 calories. One hour of business ~ just getting on the phone and setting appointments can make for an incredible week of enhancing lives. (All from the comfort of our own homes!) What did you get done today in 1 of your 24 hours?