by Vic Shayne, PhD Worldwide, more than 7 million people die from cancer every year , and the numbers increase annually. Generally, high-fat diets are blamed for increasing the risk, while plant-based diets, high in fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, and minimally processed starchy foods, are said to help prevent cancer. And, if we look a little closer, we discover that there are very specific foods and herbs that are powerful "detoxifiers" and thus play a major role in prevention of cancer and other diseases. But even as we attempt to control cancer risk by our food choices, we always have to realize that diet is just one of the lifestyle factors that influence the development of cancer. With all of the cancer information and disinformation broadcasted continually through the major news media, rarely do we hear a mention of the greatest threat to our health – and the most prevalent cause of cancer: toxins. Toxins (poisons) are ubiquitous i...