
Showing posts from May 19, 2010

Busy! Busy! Busy!

It's that time of the school year where things seem to be super busy. That's one of the reason's why this is the first night this week that I've blogged. School will be finished for our school district on June 7th. So luckily, Awana has already finished and PTO is winding down. Unfortunately, there is still "stuff" that needs to be done and be taken care of for the next year. Soccer ended last weekend - YeeHaaa! Swimming will end next week - YeeHaaa! Taekwondo will continue all year - but that's okay! I'm really looking forward to some "catch-up" time.... does that really exist? I just heard the other day on a talk radio show that "catch-up" time never happens because we continue to fill our time with "stuff". (Another statistic I heard had to do with praying....)but unless we are INTENTIONAL with our time, we won't get the important things done. Sometimes that means putting it on the calendar/ planner/ or appt. bo...