Java, Jammies, and Jesus
A Message from a Dear Friend:
Today I offer to you (below) 5 days worth of positive, power-packed affirmations based on His word to help you in your journey this week. If you print them out, post them somewhere accessible, and then say them throughout the day, you will feel energy coming into your body, your load will be lightened, and you will get more done with less effort in less time. That's what agreeing with God does!!
But first --- if you haven't done so already, may I encourage you to get a hold of my new book, "Have I Ever Told You, You're My Favorite! The Importance of Feeling Special" and deepen your understanding of the favor of God FOR YOU personally?
But first --- if you haven't done so already, may I encourage you to get a hold of my new book, "Have I Ever Told You, You're My Favorite! The Importance of Feeling Special" and deepen your understanding of the favor of God FOR YOU personally?
God desires you to think and feel about yourself as He thinks and feels about you. You will feel so settled, so free, and so excited about living when you become awakened to and then grounded in His favor. It is powerful! We need His favor for our dreams and deepest desires to be fulfilled! I pray God will open your eyes to it in greater and greater measure!
Now for your Java, Jammies, and Jesus godly affirmations! Remember - to live effective, happy lives we need to first agree with God and appropriate the things He has for us. We can not give away what we have not appropriated. And one highly effective way to help us appropriate is by speaking words which agree with Him daily!
I eagerly anticipate the opportunities laying in my path this week. I can leave the past behind, and press forward in newness. His mercies are new every morning! I will call upon the Lord and He will show me great and mighty things which I do not yet know. Because I have been given an abundant life, I have an abundance of time, too. I can and will get done all that I need to today and this week because He is for me, living in me, and working through me. (Jn 10:10, Lam 3:21-23, Jer 33:3)
The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. I lack no good thing. I live in the reality of the Kingdom of God, which contains all good things. His divine power has given me ALL things for true life and godliness. May I SEE all the abundance that is within me, surrounding me, and laying before me through Him. (Ps 23:1, Ps 34:10, 2 Pet 1:3)
I have the clarity and wisdom of Jesus to make good decisions, to plot out my course, and to solve difficult problems. I have the mind of Christ. (1 Cor 2:16, Ja 3:17)
I have the super-accelerlated, super-efficient, super-effective Spirit of the Living God living and working in me. It is in Christ I live and move and have my being. I am flooded with His love. (Acts 17:28, Gal 2:20)
I am an open portal, receptive to the Spirit of God's thoughts and blessings. I love mercy and truth. I am kind, compassionate and powerful. The Father's love flows richly and unconditionally through me. All my needs are provided for and I am open and ready to receive whatever God has won for me. I am blessed and highly favored, therefore I can bless and show favor to others. (Prov 3: 5-6, Rom 8: 9-11, Eph 1:6)
Now for your Java, Jammies, and Jesus godly affirmations! Remember - to live effective, happy lives we need to first agree with God and appropriate the things He has for us. We can not give away what we have not appropriated. And one highly effective way to help us appropriate is by speaking words which agree with Him daily!
I eagerly anticipate the opportunities laying in my path this week. I can leave the past behind, and press forward in newness. His mercies are new every morning! I will call upon the Lord and He will show me great and mighty things which I do not yet know. Because I have been given an abundant life, I have an abundance of time, too. I can and will get done all that I need to today and this week because He is for me, living in me, and working through me. (Jn 10:10, Lam 3:21-23, Jer 33:3)
The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. I lack no good thing. I live in the reality of the Kingdom of God, which contains all good things. His divine power has given me ALL things for true life and godliness. May I SEE all the abundance that is within me, surrounding me, and laying before me through Him. (Ps 23:1, Ps 34:10, 2 Pet 1:3)
I have the clarity and wisdom of Jesus to make good decisions, to plot out my course, and to solve difficult problems. I have the mind of Christ. (1 Cor 2:16, Ja 3:17)
I have the super-accelerlated, super-efficient, super-effective Spirit of the Living God living and working in me. It is in Christ I live and move and have my being. I am flooded with His love. (Acts 17:28, Gal 2:20)
I am an open portal, receptive to the Spirit of God's thoughts and blessings. I love mercy and truth. I am kind, compassionate and powerful. The Father's love flows richly and unconditionally through me. All my needs are provided for and I am open and ready to receive whatever God has won for me. I am blessed and highly favored, therefore I can bless and show favor to others. (Prov 3: 5-6, Rom 8: 9-11, Eph 1:6)
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