Stop The Gossip
Have you ever really stopped to think about the words that come out of your mouth? Words are very hurtful. To copy a song lyric, "They can cut like a knife!" I never understood as a child the little diddy, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me." I was either a VERY sensitive child (still am!) or these things just didn't bother other people the way they bothered me or they were just really good at hiding their feelings.
I received the article below from someone very near and dear to me. After reading it, it really made me sit back and think about the words that come out of my mouth. I have always been very careful with my words in the aspect of never calling anyone any kind of name other than their given name or a term of endearment (positive endearment). I remember as a child some names that were "thrown" my way and how hurtful they were. But what about casual conversations? Do we realize how much we "gossip" on a daily basis?
After reading the article, I challenge you to take the challenge! and then pass it on! Imagine what we can do when we are kinder to each other.
Gossip is one of the most socially acceptable and simultaneously destructive habits that exist today. If it is recognized, it is often simply approved of; but the truth is that it mostly goes unnoticed. The effects of gossip reach far and wide and some of the destruction is often permanent and irreversible. Relationships are often damaged for two very good reasons: 1) gossip and 2) assuming the gossip is true.
Gossip happens in our own homes, in our newspapers, amongst neighbors, friends and families, throughout our spiritual and religious communities, throughout all forms of news reporting systems, and in our own minds. Gossip must stop if we would like our world to be less toxic. You might be asking yourself what is gossip and how do I distinguish it. First let me say that gossip as I am referring to it goes beyond the dictionary meaning. Try using this description for now: Gossip is any conversation that is about anyone's business other than your own. Now to make this more practical we must first begin by looking at our intention for sharing information or chatting about someone. If you are celebrating someone and joining in their good news then your intention is sweet and harmless - but technically you are still gossiping if we go according to the definition that is listed above.
It might not be easy to resist the temptation to gossip for many reasons especially if you are mad or upset about something, but that would be one of the most important times to NOT GOSSIP. As you learn to manage your emotions differently, silently and harmlessly, your world begins to slowly change. You will notice that each time you choose to not gossip, you will feel lighter and lighter.
So here is your assignment should you choose to accept it:
· For one month's time STOP ALL GOSSIP. Pay attention to your conversation, seeing first how much you do gossip and then how clear and free you feel after stopping. Take notice of how much the world functions on gossip and begin to notice what the possible effects are and the damage that could follow.
· Do some journaling so you can track your results.
· Consider reading either The Four Agreements or The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz.
Affirmation for your support:All of my conversations are loving, creative and harmless and every word I speak is a blessing to the world.
I received the article below from someone very near and dear to me. After reading it, it really made me sit back and think about the words that come out of my mouth. I have always been very careful with my words in the aspect of never calling anyone any kind of name other than their given name or a term of endearment (positive endearment). I remember as a child some names that were "thrown" my way and how hurtful they were. But what about casual conversations? Do we realize how much we "gossip" on a daily basis?
After reading the article, I challenge you to take the challenge! and then pass it on! Imagine what we can do when we are kinder to each other.
Stop the Gossip
Gossip is one of the most socially acceptable and simultaneously destructive habits that exist today. If it is recognized, it is often simply approved of; but the truth is that it mostly goes unnoticed. The effects of gossip reach far and wide and some of the destruction is often permanent and irreversible. Relationships are often damaged for two very good reasons: 1) gossip and 2) assuming the gossip is true.
Gossip happens in our own homes, in our newspapers, amongst neighbors, friends and families, throughout our spiritual and religious communities, throughout all forms of news reporting systems, and in our own minds. Gossip must stop if we would like our world to be less toxic. You might be asking yourself what is gossip and how do I distinguish it. First let me say that gossip as I am referring to it goes beyond the dictionary meaning. Try using this description for now: Gossip is any conversation that is about anyone's business other than your own. Now to make this more practical we must first begin by looking at our intention for sharing information or chatting about someone. If you are celebrating someone and joining in their good news then your intention is sweet and harmless - but technically you are still gossiping if we go according to the definition that is listed above.
It might not be easy to resist the temptation to gossip for many reasons especially if you are mad or upset about something, but that would be one of the most important times to NOT GOSSIP. As you learn to manage your emotions differently, silently and harmlessly, your world begins to slowly change. You will notice that each time you choose to not gossip, you will feel lighter and lighter.
Pay attention to these areas:
· Gossiping about your family or your children when drama ensues.
· Being an ear for someone else who is gossiping.
· Believing the gossip without checking it for truth or accuracy.
· Believing newspapers and news reports without questioning the source.
· Gossiping about your own limitations either to someone else or in your own mind.
· Any place where a group of people are gathered and conversation begins regarding someone who is not present.
· Gossiping about your family or your children when drama ensues.
· Being an ear for someone else who is gossiping.
· Believing the gossip without checking it for truth or accuracy.
· Believing newspapers and news reports without questioning the source.
· Gossiping about your own limitations either to someone else or in your own mind.
· Any place where a group of people are gathered and conversation begins regarding someone who is not present.
So here is your assignment should you choose to accept it:
· For one month's time STOP ALL GOSSIP. Pay attention to your conversation, seeing first how much you do gossip and then how clear and free you feel after stopping. Take notice of how much the world functions on gossip and begin to notice what the possible effects are and the damage that could follow.
· Do some journaling so you can track your results.
· Consider reading either The Four Agreements or The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz.
Affirmation for your support:All of my conversations are loving, creative and harmless and every word I speak is a blessing to the world.
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