Happy Thanksgiving
This is my last post this week because of traveling 'home' for the holiday. I wish you all a Very Happy Thanksgiving! Remember eating Keto is a lifestyle, not a diet. The holidays may seem like they will be tricky, but you just plan for them and you'll be just fine! There are always Meat & Veggies at the table. I will be bringing a Meat 'Stuffing' (my mother-in-laws recipe with a few Keto twists) & I thought I was bringing a Cauliflower Stuffing until I just saw an Instagram post last night where someone used Pork Rinds as their bread... OMGosh, I will be trying that recipe this year! And, I always bring dessert so that I can enjoy something sweet too! So, my Pumpkin Custard Pie (Pennsylvania Dutch style) and I'm trying @FoodDreamer's Goey Pecan Pie this year too!
So bottom line - Enjoy yourself! Don't Stress! Make do with what you've got and when the holiday is over, get back on track!
Chat with you next week! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
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