Are you in a weight loss stall?

I was in a weight loss stall for the last year. I know for me, there were several factors.

First, we sold our home in January and temporarily moved in with my parents.

Second, I went on a 2-week cruise with my daughter, sister, and niece in March. This wasn't super detrimental to my weight loss. I actually only gained 6 lbs and we ate a lot! So, I wasn't upset with this gain and thought that I would easily lose it once I got home. However...

Third, that move into my parents was wonderful on so many levels, except for eating. My mom has carbs and puts carbs into everything! Not to mention sugar!! Sugar in everything too!! ugh... I started our stay with trying to make our own foods, but that just got to be too difficult in the struggle with kitchen occupancy. So, I definitely didn't stay on the plan and gained another 4 lbs. Not horrible in the scheme of things, but not good either!

Fourth, we finally moved to NC in July... and since then, I've been "cheating" all the time! Icecream, chocolate, a bite of pizza, breaded/fried items, eating out several times a week... ugh! Luckily, I've not gained any more weight, but I'm definitely not losing either!

So, after the new year, I told myself that I was going to get back to my strict keto to lose the 10lbs that I had gained last year and lose the additional 20lbs I had set as a goal 2 years ago. Unfortunately, I wasn't doing very well with my strictness until this week.

I just needed something to kick my body into action. So, I started a Protein Sparing Modified Fast I had heard of on Maria Emmerich's website. Here's the link to check out her video explaining what this is:

I started this fast on Monday and as of today (3 days total on PSMF), I have lost 5 lbs! I'm super happy with my kickstart and ready to get back to normal Keto business!

The PSMF is not recommended for long periods of time. Only about 1-4 x a week. I will continue with it today and do regular Keto Friday/Saturday/Sunday and then look to the PSMF again for Monday-Thursday. Once I reach my goal weight, I'll re-evaluate... However, I do know that Keto is my new way of life. I truly love it and other than those small cheats (mainly ice cream and chocolate) I do not feel deprived in this eating style.

So, if you're in a stall like I was... check out PSMF!


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